The NASA Harvest COVID-19 Dashboard

NASA Harvest is pleased to release the NASA Harvest COVID-19 Dashboard. This set of tools provides users with supply chain information that will facilitate analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts as they relate to crop production, market price volatility, food availability, and rapidly evolving policy changes. The goals of the dashboard are:

  1. Leverage existing datasets describing COVID-19 cases, crop-related variables, weather, food price data, and changes to agricultural export control policy. These data will be supplemented with existing data with derived datasets in order to provide additional context as needed.
  2. Provide an online tool for searching, plotting, and extracting up-to-date information on COVID-19, crop conditions, trade flows, and agricultural policy.
  3. Continuously integrate new data. Agencies and institutions continue to accumulate and distribute data related to the spread of COVID-19 – this tool will respond to these changes by integrating the best available data and removing obsolete datasets.

The spread of COVID-19 has underlined the need for data such as crop conditions, vegetation and weather indices, trade flow data, and food price has long been of interest to the agricultural monitoring and early warning communities and will remain a relevant contribution of this project in the future. This project will be integrated under the NASA Harvest Consortium on Food Security and Agriculture and continue to be supported beyond the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

An introduction and usage examples are provided in the story map.

Click here to visit the COVID-19 Dashboard.


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This work is primarily funded by the 2020 NASA Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) Rapid Response and Novel Research in Earth Science (RRNES) initiative (Grant number: 80NSSC20K1502). Additional funding support has been provided by the NASA Harvest Consortium, itself funded by the NASA Applied Sciences Program (Grant number: 80NSSC18M0039).